Rivals Merging Together
One of the oddest things the COVID-19 pandemic has spawned is the strange partnership between rivals Apple and Google. The two tech giants are teaming up to help track the virus.
The Collective WHY…
Apple is developing a feature to embed in iPhones while Google came up with an Android device that enables users to track infected people.
The technology giants, who rarely pass up the chance to trash each other, are now holding hands and singing ‘Kumbaya’.
Subsequently, they are uniting to slow the spread of the virus. This merger can help with curbing a resurgence of COVID forecasted in late fall. Published reports state that the two tech giants are within months of completing the operating system. Eventually, this will link billions of iPhones and Android devices. Click Here to view original article.
CNBC Article states “Google’s site says the apps won’t collect personally identifiable information or user location data and people who test positive are not identified to other users Google or Apple.” Apps will store location for about 14 days. The data will “only be used for contact tracing by public health authorities for COVID-19 pandemic management.”

More importantly, this is opt-in contract tracing. That means users will need to agree to be tracked if they want to participate. Contact tracing can allow health officials to monitor the spread of coronavirus by seeing who has been in close contact with infected people.
How the Smartphone Technology Works
Overall, devices will only be enabled when a user opts-in. Once this feature is selected, it will interface with similar devices. These efforts focus on further identifying those that test positive.
The final step requires mobile users to voluntarily report that they are infected. Public health officials across the globe are anxiously awaiting this advance. At this point, they are open to any solutions to contain the pandemic.
However, only a few others are excited about the two largest tech companies in the world working together. Whispers of a worldwide monopoly are omnipresent. Imagine the power of two companies who virtually own the most personal information for just about everyone on the planet.
Although a useful tool, the over-reach into individual privacy is somewhat unsettling. This transition will take it to the next level. Imagine the consequences of an evil mastermind who is capable of subverting computer security for malicious purposes. Lets hope this doesn’t bring on something far more terrifying than COVID-19.